Congress would pass a bill that requires every American to buy insurance, offers consumers a choice of plans through a new health exchange like the successful Commonwealth Connector in Massachusetts, provides subsidies that assure everyone can afford a basic plan, and prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions or dropping coverage for people who become sick.
From is exactly right, as I argued earler.
From, of course, endores of Obamacare, while I oppose it. But our analyses of the political realities are identical.
I'm begining to think that a single payer is the inevitable outcome Dems are after. The logic goes something like this:
1. Burden insurance companies with new mandates especially the "no pre-existing condition"
2. Make the penalty for not buying insurance low
3. Include a trigger for government intervention if costs do not come does (impossible given #1 & #2)
4. Wait for the system to collapse under its own weight
5. single payer become not the public option, but the ONLY option
I made similar observations about this on my blog a few months ago when a co-op system seemed like more of a reality:
Drudge’s headlines suggested that victory should be shouted because they were backing off of the public option. I argued that this was the "door-in-the-face" strategy. This is a technique identified by social psychologists to increase the probability of someone complying to a request. From a psychological standpoint, it works via a "contrast effect." The second request (e.g., a government-funded co-op system) doesn't sound as bad as a public option, even though-as Prof. Miron points out—it is.
People use this technique to request money all the time. The other day, I received a call requesting a donation. They asked for $25, but when I said no, they said they would accept $10. The second request sounds small compared to the $25 request.
Commonwealth Connector in Massachusetts is successful?
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