Monday, October 12, 2009

Border Security is a Joke

Whenever I return to the U.S. from another country, my blood pressure rises as I wait in the lines to get through immigration and customs. I cannot help thinking that any determined terrorist, drug smuggler, or illegal immigrant can find numerous ways to circument this system, in which case all the waiting in line is a waste.

Here is some evidence that supports my view:

Eight years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and despite repeated mandates from Congress, the United States still has no reliable system for verifying that foreign visitors have left the country.

Last year alone, 2.9 million foreign visitors on temporary visas ... checked in to the country but never officially checked out, immigration officials said.

Over all, the officials said, about 40 percent of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States came on legal visas and overstayed.

So why bother with border security at all? The costs are enormous: in addition to the expenses for immigration officials, border fences, and the like, millions of people lose time every day, all for a process that has no plausible chance of accomplishing its goals.

Open the borders officially. They are already open in reality.


Hyde Family said...

they just cut funding for the border fence... said the money could be better spent in other areas of border security... i liken it to a leak in your water line... you can't fix what is broken until you turn the water off...

Paul McL said...

And as a legal immigrant whose been here for over 20 years, I have to go through being photographed and fingerprinted every time I re-enter the country (which is many times a year since I travel internationally on business).

And don't forget that any tourists first experience of the US is standing in line for hourse, being treated as criminal and generally made to feel completely unwelcome.

Anonymous said...

I'm a US citizen and my wife can't even come into this country until she pays a thousand dollars and goes through 8 months of security clearance. Absurd.

Arnie Kriegbaum said...

Yes, open the borders officially. No other discussion needed.

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